Athena Film Festival Poster Design Contest

Calling all Barnard student artists: we want to see your work! 

The Athena Film Festival is looking to refresh our festival poster heading into 2024 and would love to see your ideas. The winning design will be featured widely during the festival season. We are looking for an original poster design that amplifies and celebrates our mission of women in leadership. 

Submit to us by Friday, October 13, using this form

Contest Details: 


  • 2 student passes to the 2024 festival and 2024 festival swag! The winning artist will also be credited on the poster itself and on the Athena Film Festival website.
  • Runners Up will receive two free tickets to a screening of their choice at the 2024 Athena Film Festival. 


  • Only current Barnard students are eligible to submit.
  • Artwork must be an original design for our 2024 festival poster. 


  • Artwork should clearly include our name, the Athena Film Festival, and the dates for our festival, February 29 – March 3, 2024. There should be space to include the logos for the festival, our founding organization, and sponsors.
  • Artwork should include and/or expand on our festival mission: stories about women’s leadership. We are looking for designs that will tell our story from your own artistic voice! 
  • Artwork should be professional and appropriate (no offensive words, images, etc.) 


  • The Athena Center staff will select the winning design based on the design’s creativity, craft, and integration of AFF themes. 
  • The artist will be notified by November 1.