Band of Sisters: Mary Fishman (Director)
Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin and the Farm Midwives: Grace Rice from Choices in Childbirth
Brave Miss World: Cecilia Peck (Director) & Inbal Lessner (Producer/Editor) Actress, activist, comedian and rape survivor Fran Drescher, who appears in the film, will join the filmmakers for this discussion.
Future Weather: Kristin Fairweather (Producer), Anubhav Jain (Actor)
The Girl: David Riker (Director)
Granny’s Got Game: Angela Alford (Director) and team captain, Judy Barton
Hannah Arendt: Pamela Katz (Screenwriter). Moderated by journalist Regina Weinreich
Inocente: Yael Melamede (Producer)
The Invisible War: Maria Cuomo Cole and Regina Kulik Scully (Executive Producers), Rebekah Havrilla (Service Women’s Action Network)
I Stand Corrected: Andrea Meyerson (Director/Executive Producer) and Jennifer Leitham (film subject)
Women Aren’t Funny: Bonnie McFarlane (Director)
Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines: Kelcey Edwards (Producer) Carmela Lane and Katie Pineda will join the discussion.
Who is Pauline Park: Jamerry Kim (Filmmaker) following both screenings.
Devout: Pamala Plastock, Elissa Kaplan, Chani Getter (Sunday only) and Howard Weinberg will join the audience for a Q&A.
Our Rhineland: Faren Hume (Director) Saturday’s screening
She Who Excels in Solitude: Mako Kamitsuna (Director) Saturday’s screening.
Prizefighter: Heather Hardy (Subject) and Devon (Trainer)
Self-Portrait with Cows Going Home and Other Works: A Portrait of Sylvia Plachy: Rebecca Dreyfus (Director) and Sylvia Plachy will attend the screening on Sunday.